Socio-Cultural Construction of Islamic Charity: A Healing Perspective
Socio-Cultural Construction of Islamic Charity
Charity, Islamic belief, health healing, inspirations, means of charityAbstract
In local cultural contexts, the association between religion, disease, and reproductive health is not as well documented. The influence of cultural beliefs and values on individuals' attitudes towards healthcare-seeking behavior is a crucial aspect in understanding the significance of cultural views of health. Islamic teachings include a wide array of approaches for addressing health-related issues. In Muslim countries, welfare spending is becoming acknowledged as a kind of social intervention. The main focus of this study was to investigate the philanthropic conduct of individuals who identify as Muslims in the context of reproductive healing practices, while also taking into account the various elements that could contribute to this type of conduct. The study is substantiated by data derived from qualitative ethnographic research. Data was obtained through interviews using a loosely arranged set of questions. In addition, SPSS is commonly employed for the purpose of conducting cross tabulation analyses. One of the primary outcomes of the study is to the impact of religion on individuals' perceptions and interpretations of sickness. Donating to charitable causes is a means of addressing many health conditions, particularly those related to reproductive health, and engaging in such acts provides individuals with relief, solace, and psychological assistance. Gender segregation in philanthropic undertakings has a significant influence on the practice of philanthropy, as it is shaped by a range of socio-cultural and socio-economic variables. Charitable acts are undertaken and employed to satisfy a range of desires, encompassing the want to conceive offspring, the need to safeguard maternal well-being against malevolent forces, and particularly the desire to alleviate the hardships associated with the process of childbirth. This study explores the confirmation of gender inequity through religious norms.
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