Guidelines for Authors

The contributions submitted to Journal of Social Sciences should follow the following instructions:

Length and Format

The manuscript should be typed, single spaced, with word limit of 4000-6000 words excluding references. Style and expression should be formal and academic. The articles should be proof read and free from typo and grammatical errors. The citation and references should conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). The author/s is responsible for accuracy of references and originality of expression and ideas. The body of the article should follow the author’s brief biography covering full name, qualification, designation, institutional affiliation(s), areas of interest and email address.

The research paper would normally include the following elements:

  1. Introduction to the content of the paper and the author’s position
  2. Literature review based on critique of the works already available in the field
  3. Research question/s or hypothesis, explicit or implicit
  4. Methods of data collection and analysis and methodology of interpretation in line with the adopted theoretical position
  5. Conclusion providing the summation of the argument, findings and inferences which may follow recommendations

File Format

MS Word

Headers and Page Numbers

Do not include headers or page numbers in the manuscript.


An abstract of 200-250 words, Times New Roman, indented 1 centimeter on each margin, at the beginning of the paper; preferably presenting a brief of what to expect in the paper. Abstract should be one continuous paragraph in which headings are to be avoided.


“Keywords:” in Straight, Bold followed by 3-5 key words in Italics, pertaining to the main concepts of the paper, separated by a comma within the same line

Body Text

Times New Roman 12 point, single spacing with 6 pt paragraph spacing, Justified

Title of the Paper/Heading level 1

Times New Roman 16, Bold, Centered

Sub-Headings/Heading level 2

Sub-headings in Times New Roman 14, Bold, Left Aligned with 6 pt paragraph spacing after. All headings are in sentence case; however, too many headings and heading-numbers should be avoided.

Sub-Headings/Heading level 3

Sub-headings in Times New Roman12, Bold, Left Aligned with 6 pt paragraph spacing after

Tables & Figures

Tables and Figures should be Centered. Use Times New Roman 12 for captions and titles of figures and tables, leaving one blank line before and after. Tables are labeled above and figures are labeled below. A colon is inserted after the number of the Table or Figure. Use Calibri 10 for text within the tables and figures.


May be avoided, if possible


References are listed as per the latest APA format aside from these details:

  • Times New Roman 11 point, single spacing
  • Second and subsequent lines within each reference are indented 0.5cm
  • A blank line is left between references
  • Add complete web link(s) without hyperlinks along with the retrieval date
  • In case of a reference from a journal/magazine, mention the complete title of the Journal, Paper/Article, Volume Number, Issue Number and the Page Numbers
  • Please avoid references from Wikipedia

References stated within text should be author and date and page(s):
John (2005) observes that …
Michael, Cohen and Alexander (2015, p. 70) comment that …
the issue has been questioned and critiqued time and again (Silko 2010, Momaday 2014, Boyd 2016) but …

Ensure before Submission regarding Ethical Statement

The authors are requested to ensure before submission that

  • The material of paper should be the authors' own original work, which has not been previously published elsewhere.
  • The paper should not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The paper must reflect the authors' own research and analysis in a truthful and complete manner.
  • The paper must properly credit the meaningful contributions of co-authors and co-researchers.
  • The results should be appropriately placed in the context of prior and existing research.
  • All sources used should properly disclosed (correct citation). Literally copying of text must be indicated as such by using quotation marks and giving proper reference.
  • All authors should be personally and actively involved in substantial work leading to the paper, and should take public responsibility for its content.
  • All type of participation and contribution in the research should be voluntary and no interests of any participant or contributor should be or should have been on stake during or in result to the research undertaken.

The violation of the Ethical Statement rules may result in severe consequences.

To verify originality, the article is checked by the originality detection software iThenticate or Turnitin.

All authors and co-authors have to submit an Ethical Statement along with their submissions.

Contributions should be sent to:

Contact Us:

            Professor Dr. Asim Mahmood
            Editor, Journal of Social Sciences
            Government College University Faisalabad

            Tel: 0419201413
