Analyzing Performance Appraisal System of Service Sector through Organizational Politics
Analyzing Performance Appraisal System
Employee perception, Organizational politics, Public Sectors of Pakistan, Performance Appraisal SystemAbstract
The main goal of this study was to look at how organizational politics, personal bias, and performance rating systems are connected. Current research in Pakistan doesn't look at how biases affect performance reviews, which limits workers' chances for personal growth and financial gain, and only looks at factors that are specific to their industry. The performance of the appraisal system is investigated in this article in relation to organizational politics. Twenty managers and 250 middle-level employees make up the sample size for the analysis. To evaluate the hypothesized hypothesis, regression analysis was used. The research in this paper demonstrates the considerable effects of organizational politics and performance evaluation systems. Organizational politics is considered an independent variable, while performance assessments are regarded as a dependent variable. The results suggested that there is a significant effect of the observed variables. This suggests that when politics become more widespread in an organization, performance evaluations will also grow as a consequence of workers using political techniques to their benefit. This is because performance assessments are based on how well an employee performs their job. To contribute to the formation of public companies, managers must foster and value a positive culture. Long-term commendation must make employees feel valued by their management team in order to be effective in evoking attitudes.
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