Legislation on Child Labour in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly during the Eras of MMA & ANP (2002-2013): An Analytical Study
Legislation on Child Labour
Child, Child Labour, LegislationAbstract
The status and role of children in a Pakhtun Society has become one of the major topics of discussion ever since the child rights movement gained momentum globally under the auspices of United Nations. Child labour is a very complicated issue in Pakistan and, especially, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is feared that children are not getting education and relaxation which is vital for their upcoming years. They are involved in business-oriented and hard exercises, which are estimated for individuals outside their ages. All over Pakistan and, especially, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, there are many kids, who play a significant part in supporting the financial needs of their families without which their relatives may not be capable to make closures of everyday life. Hence, such children are also part of our society who is unable to remember the desires of their childhood. Therefore, it is need of the time, to keep its youngsters from premature employment which is dangerous to their physical, mental, educational and spiritual developmental prerequisites. Removing a child from work is only the partial battle. The next and most important stage is to get ready the child to go into the domain of full-time education. It is instantly vital to protect youngsters from the communal discrimination and learning scarcity by ensuring healthy, normal and happy growth. I have investigated their role by examining the electoral manifestoes, interviews and legislative measures taken in this regard. The result shows that, there is scarcity of legislation and implementation with respect to child labour in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Hence, the situation is deteriorating day by day in the region. This research also highlights how political parties and their actions affect the society by ignoring key issues like child’s labour.
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