Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in Pakistan: An Exploration of Issues, Challenges and Solutions
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in Pakistan
ECCE, Issues of ECCE, Challenges of ECCE, ECCE in PakistanAbstract
In this study, Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in Pakistan was examined in terms of its issues, challenges, and solutions. This study aimed to examine relevant problems and difficulties and offer solutions and suggestions to strengthen the standard of ECCE in Pakistan. A content analysis methodology was employed in the research and based on relevance criterion 81 studies conducted from 2015 to 2022 were selected which included 51 quantitative, 18 qualitative, and 12 mixed-methods research papers. The study's significant portion is based in Australia, the US, the UK, France, Germany, and Pakistan which restricts the findings' applicability on a global level. The results were illustrated in nine comprehensive themes namely: early childhood education's historical perspective, the significance of early care and education for children's development, the importance of ECCE: a global perspective, ECCE in Pakistan: present situation, ECCE in Pakistan's public schools, the present educational trends in Pakistan's public sector schools, implementation issues with Pakistan's early childhood education program: suggestions and solutions. This study has a direct bearing on researchers, government leaders, politicians, school administrators, teachers, parents, and community people who are interested in learning about the problems and difficulties associated with ECCE and also finding solutions.
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